– Squeeze a pea-sized dab of product onto the back of the hand.
– Rub the back of the other hand against it and spread evenly.
– Rub the cream into the left hand and pay special attention to your knuckles and any dry areas. Massage cuticles and nails.
Skin Regimen: Roll On
10ml/reinvigorating rebalancing aroma
Aromatherapy concentrate in a practical roll-on version with /skin regimen/’s natural rebalancing and reinvigorating aroma for mind and body. It favors and empower the resistance necessary to face the daily challenges of life.
Longevity Complex™: Wild Indigo, Maqui Berry, Organic Spinach and Carnosine to counteract the effects of stress and aging accelerators.
Tulsi Oil: also known as Holy Basil, Tulsi is a sacred Indian herb extensively used in Ayurvedic medicine and considered a long-life elixir. At a systemic level, Tulsi has adaptogenic properties, meaning it can increase the resistance of the body to stress, contributing to the elimination of toxins and reduction of inflammatory processes. This anti-oxidant oil reinforces and protects the skin for a radiant appearance.
In case of very cold climates and sensitive skin, add a couple drops of /skin regimen/ 10.0 Tulsi Booster.