Use as often as desired. Apply a generous amount from the neck to the toes and gently massage into skin until fully absorbed. Use after your bath or shower for best results.
– Shea butter moisturizes skin
– Aloe Vera nourishes and conditions skin
– Vitamin E protects skin
Rejuvenate dry skin with this healing body treatment. Shea Butter and Safflower Oil provide intense hydration to seal in moisture while leaving skin silky smooth. Aloe Vera and Vitamin E nourish and protect to keep skin looking radiant from head to toe.
Shea Butter
Deeply hydrating and natural, this butter absorbs quickly providing the skin with long lasting nourishment. It is packed with oleic, stearic, and linoleic fatty acids leaving skin smooth and protected.
Safflower Oil
Intensely hydrating oil that nourishes the skin and locks in moisture leaving behind a renewed softness and smoothness.
Aloe Vera
Nourishes and protects to keep skin looking radiant.